6 French Girl Trainers Outfits for 2024 And Beyond

6 French Girl Trainers Outfits for 2024 And Beyond

I have an admission, I’m now the proud owner of a cap. Hardly a groundbreaking statement, I know, but long-term readers may know my penchant for overdressing for the simplest of venues. You might be wondering what that has to do with trainers but you could say I’ve (somewhat) succumbed to the appeal of practicality at the ripe age of thirty-two and I think that my two-piece trainer collection may just follow suit. Despite French women’s style being synonymous with dressing up and uniforms comprising jeans, wrap dresses and heels, it also centres on a practical approach to style.

Contrary to popular belief, the Parisian women I see day-to-day aren’t always clad in the fanciest pieces, especially not when tending to errands—like frequenting markets or making a beeline for the morning’s takeaway espresso. Instead, they often wear practical, easy-to-replicate outfits and trainers are a huge part of the uniform. Biking is a common mode of transport here and many French women I know cycle to and from the office in trainers. Their suave wardrobes encompass trainer outfits, and they are able to incorporate them into classic looks with little to no effort.